API rate limit

We have implemented a rate-limiting policy for API requests to ensure optimal performance and stability of our services. Please be aware of the following restrictions.


  • Rate limit - Users can send up to 700 requests per 1-hour window. The limit is applied per user account.

  • Exceeding the limit - If the rate limit is exceeded, further requests will be temporarily blocked until the beginning of the next 1-hour window.

  • HTTP Status Code - Requests that exceed the rate limit will receive an HTTP status code of 429 (Too Many Requests).

  • Retry-After header - The HTTP 429 status code response will include a Retry-After header indicating the number of seconds to wait before retrying the request.

Best practices to avoid rate limiting


Ensure you are not filling the limit for synchronizing your devices states. You need to keep a free pool of requests to operate on your devices, e.g., open and close your locks.

  • Monitor your usage. Track the number of requests your application is making to avoid approaching the rate limit threshold.

  • Optimize your requests. Avoid making unnecessary requests and ensure that your application is using the API efficiently.

  • Send requests in intervals. Distribute your requests evenly over time instead of sending them all at once. This can help avoid hitting the rate limit and improve the reliability of your requests.

  • Utilize sync endpoints appropriately. If you only want to synchronize one lock, use the Sync single endpoint. If you need to synchronize several, use the Sync locks endpoint. Remember that you can provide specific lock IDs to sync in the Sync locks endpoint.