Release notes
Lock extended with new setting: DoorStateEventLoggingEnabled - enables/disables the creation of DoorOpened and DoorClosed events from the door sensor in activity logs. The default value is false.
Added new API version 1.34.
Device Share area is migrated to the Device Access area.
Device access is returned in accessDetails property instead shareDetails.
Access restrictions for device access are in access details.
Renamed property from lockProperties to deviceState in Lock model.
API Version 1.33 extended with Door Sensor Area. which manages door sensor devices.
Lock extended with new setting: AutoLockAfterDoorClosedEnabled - enables/disables auto-locking after the door is closed. The default value is false.
Added new Event Type: DoorOpenTooLong.
Added publishing BellButtonPressed event via webhooks for integrations: Bell Button Pressed Webhook.
- Endpoint Device > Transfer ownership extended with removeExistingShares parameter.
If set to true, all existing shares will be removed from the transferred devices.
- Removed deviceSettings field from dry contact model. It is no longer possible to configure dry contact by API.
User can configure dry contact using a configuration file in the mobile app.
- Endpoint Device > Transfer ownership allows to transfer ownership of multiple devices at once.
If any devices in the transfer are currently paired with devices outside the transfer request, those pairings will be removed.
- New endpoint added: Device > Transfer ownership
The endpoint allows transferring the ownership of the device to another user.
To perform the operation, the user must be the owner of the transferred device.
- Fixes:
Exception on Organization access link > Edit organization access link when changing devices order.
endpoint Lock > Get Accessories extended with AccessoryType parameter, which allows filtering accessories by type.
- Keypad model extended with deviceState, which includes information about the device state. Currently, the object contains:
batteryLevel - battery level in percentage (returned if no older than 30-days),
batteryLevelModifiedDateTime - date and time when the battery level was last modified (returned if no older than 30-days).
- added API version 1.33, which consists of breaking changes described below:
fields connectedToDryContactId, connectedToKeypadId removed from Lock model.
field accessories of type Lock Accessory [] added to Lock model.
endpoint Lock > Pair lock with DryContact device removed.
endpoint Lock > Unpair lock from DryContact device removed.
endpoint Lock > Pair lock with Keypad device removed.
endpoint Lock > Unpair lock from Keypad device removed.
- New endpoint added: Lock > Pair Accessory.
The endpoint allows pairing accessories to the lock.
add user display name to response from DeviceShare > Post Bulk endpoint.
added revision field to Lock > Sync and Lock > Sync single endpoints.
- New endpoint added: Lock > Get Accessories.
The endpoint returns a list of accessories that can be paired with the lock.
- New endpoint added: Lock > Unpair Accessory.
The endpoint allows unpairing accessories from the lock.
Fix: After linking account with BleBox devices are properly displayed in the Tedee app.
User > Delete account endpoint returns an HTTP 412 Precondition Failed status when the user owns an organization. To delete an account, the user must first delete the owned organization.
Organization user > Add user to organization endpoint extended with role property.
Personal access key global rate limit introduced. User can make up to 1000 requests per 1 hour.
new DryContact > Get all endpoint introduced for getting all dry contact devices.
- Unlock gate endpoint returns new HTTP statuses:
412 Precondition Failed - when user doesn’t have active BleBox integration
423 Locked - when gate is disconnected
- new DryContact area introduced with CRUD endpoints for managing dry contact devices:
DryContact > Add DryContact endpoint.
DryContact > Update DryContact endpoint.
DryContact > Delete DryContact endpoint.
DryContact > Get DryContact endpoint.
- Lock area extended with pair/unpair DryContact endpoints:
Lock > Pair DryContact endpoint.
Lock > Unpair DryContact endpoint.
Lock type extended with connectedToDryContactId property.
Device > Get devices with details endpoint extended with drycontacts[] array.
added “isAsync” (hotel mode) property to lock Device settings
added “serialNumber”, “softwareVersion” and “state” properties to response from Bridge > Get paired devices endpoint
improvements in Gate > Unlock Gate endpoint. Endpoint now returns HTTP 408 Request timeout when connecting to BleBox device ends with timeout.
added filters to Organization > Get organization permission matrix endpoint. The currently available filters are: Filters.Text where you can specify user name or email, and Filters.DeviceId [array] where you can specify only devices you are interested in.
improved new calibration endpoints Lock > Calibrare Lock and Lock > Calibrate Pull Spring. If you try calibrating the lock using a new endpoints and your bridge firmware is outdated, you will get an HTTP 409 Conflict response.
added new API version 1.32
added new user setting on lock device for canceling auto-unlock by other auto-unlock (autoUnlockCancelOtherAutoUnlock)
added new user setting in user profile for dynamic changing first lock on device list based on user location (dynamicFirstLock)
added new endpoints for lock device calibration
removed old endpoints for lock device calibration
added new API version 1.31
Organization User > Add user to organization endpoint returns organizationUserId in the response body on success
Organization > Get activities for organization device or user endpoints takes OrganizationUserId instead of UserId
Organization User > Get all user organization devices with permissions endpoints takes OrganizationUserId instead of UserId, Timezone added for each device returned in the response body
Organization User > Get organization user profile endpoints takes OrganizationUserId instead of UserId, and in addition return OrganizationUserId, UserId, Roles in the response body
added Organization Device > Return all shares for specific device endpoint
extended OrganizationUser Area > Get all users from organization endpoint with filter to search by name/email and to include pending users
added IncludeUserSetting parameter to Gate Area > Sync single endpoint
Bridge extended with LocalApiEnabled setting
added rate limiter for Get All Locks endpoint for Personal Access Key (10 requests per 10 minutes allowed)
Organization endpoints extended with deviceType property
added support for location in organization access links
extended Integration Area > Disconnect with BleBox endpoint with possibility to hard delete Gates
Personal Access Key authentication enabled on Integration Area > Update linked BleBox account connection endpoint
remote unlock setting enabled for Gate devices
added Location property to Gate device
OrganizationAccessLink description updated to 1000 chars
added Gate Area > Delete Gate device endpoint
- updated Gate Area > Unlock Gate endpoint:
success operation returns 204 No Content instead of 200 OK
endpoint returns no data in response body on success
- added cloning userSettings in Device > Clond device data endpoint
DataToClone parameter value to clone user settings is 4
added Device Area > Clone device data endpoint, which enables cloning device settings, permissions to another device
added Gate Area > Show all gates assigned to logged user endpoint
added Integration Area > Sync BleBox Accounts endpoint, which enables synchronization of BleBox accounts with Tedee Cloud
OrganizationAccessLink sorted by name in Organization Access Link Area > Get organization access links endpoint
Gate firmware version is returned in softwareVersions property
- fixes:
guest user can change his user settings with Gate Area > Update Gate device with entered Id endpoint
- updated OrganizationAccessLink requirements:
name length constrained to 50 chars
description length constrained to 500 chars
extended Gate models with Icon property, which enables settings predefined icon for Gate device
- updated Integration Area > Update linked BleBox account connection endpoint:
user can optionally set the organizationId parameter to assign all devices from the BleBox account to the organization
- fixes:
userEmail property is validated on DeviceShare creating
added a new API version 1.30
added organization access links management endpoints
added a new API version 1.29
changed HoldToUnlock user setting type to enum
added a new API version 1.28
removed old organization endpoints
unified schema of organization/device area
added a new API version 1.27
removed unlocked notification from global user settings
added a new API version 1.26
added support for device notification settings
added paging and filtering to my/lock endpoint
added IncludeOrganization parameter to my/lock endpoint
added new user setting on lock device for WiFi checking in auto-unlock
added new keypad device setting for enable/disable lock action by keypad button
added new events to device activity logs (LockedByKeypadWithPin and LockedByKeypadWithoutPin)
removed API version 1.9
added automatic keypad pairing with bridge when keypad is paired with lock
added a new API version 1.25
added new keypad device setting with battery type
added restriction for sound volume values in keypad
added a new API version 1.24
added new keypad device setting for enable/disable bell button
added a new API version 1.23
changed data type of mobile device identifier from int to guid
added “Other” operating system in POST mobile endpoint
added timezone validation for devices
added endpoints for keypad pin list management
added request rate limit in lock sync endpoints
added “my” prefix in personal access key endpoints
sending e-mail after creating personal access key
added a new API version 1.22
removed “accessType” property from POST/PATCH endpoints for device share
max expiration date for personal access key set to 5 years
changed default mode in unlock operation to “not pull” and added new “unlock or pull spring” mode, which allows to perform pull when lock is in unlocked state
added user authentication based on personal access key
allowed to set recurring device share only with start/end times or week days
added a new API version 1.21
fixed issue with deleting bridge
added a new API version 1.20
endpoints for lock/unlock/pull operations refactored to have all parameters in path instead of in body
added “without auto pull spring” mode in unlock operation endpoint
endpoints for pairing/unpairing keypad with lock moved to Lock area
added information about keypad paired with lock (“connectedToKeypadId” property in Lock type)
added endpoints to pair/unpair keypad with lock
added timezone for keypad device
fix: cannot remove device share when device is in organization
added endpoints to manage keypad devices
added a new API version 1.19
added timezone for lock and bridge devices
removed PUT endpoint and added PATCH endpoint to bridge update
added a new API version 1.18
removed “unregister” endpoint from StandardNotificationHub
added a new API version 1.17
added endpoint to check close/open/pull operation status
changed response for close/open/pull operation request (added “lastStateChangedDate” and changed result code to 202 Accepted)
added “lastStateChangedDate” and “stateChangeResult” to all endpoints returning Lock state
added a new API version 1.16
all user settings moved to a new “userSettings” property in the Lock type
removed “bridgeId” property from the Lock type
removed “connectedToId”, “iotDeviceName” and “voipNumber” properties from Bridge type
removed API versions 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12
added information about an ongoing bridge software update
lock state returned as an enum
scopes applied to all API endpoints
added new endpoints for lock synchronization
API versions in swagger sorted in descending order