How to automate access to the Tedee Lock
This tutorial will go through the Tedee Lock access management based on a real case scenario, managing access to the Tedee Lock within an organization.
Imagine an organization where the Tedee Lock is installed in the main door. You want to automatically grant access to the main entrance when a new employee is hired and taken away when the employee ends his job.
Granting user access
Let’s consider that situation. You hired a new employee who will start work next month. You want to grant access to the entrance door for him.
You can do that by creating a share in Tedee API. You need to use Create share endpoint. Call this endpoint with the new organization’s email address and define startDate
as the date when the employee starts work. The share will be created and active from the date you specified as the startDate
Every share you create for the specific Tedee Lock must have a unique address email.
If the employee you want to share the device with already has a Tedee account, he will receive a notification that the device was shared with him. Otherwise, an email invitation will be sent automatically by the Tedee system and the user will be asked to register a new Tedee account.
Sample request
curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json-patch+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <<access token>>" -d "<<body>>"
"accessLevel": 1,
"userEmail": "[email protected]"
"weekDays": 10,
"dayStartTime": "2020-12-14T08:09:57.781Z",
"dayEndTime": "2020-12-31T08:10:57.781Z",
"startDate": null,
"endDate": null,
"remoteAccessDisabled" : false
In the next section, we will present how you can customize access to the Tedee Lock.
We recommend using email as the identifier of the share. You can use it later to find the share, e.g. if you want to update or delete it.
Update user access
If you want to change your employees’ access to the main entrance, for example, if you’re going to give some of the admin permissions, you can update user share.
To find the share, you need the employee email the share was created. Use Get device shares with Filters.Email
parameter to fetch employee share for the specific Tedee Lock.
Finally, to update the share use Update share endpoint.
Sample request
curl -X PUT "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json-patch+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <<access token>>" -d "<<body>>"
"accessLevel": 1,
"weekDays": 10,
"dayStartTime": "2020-12-14T08:09:57.781Z",
"dayEndTime": "2020-12-31T08:10:57.781Z",
"startDate": null,
"endDate": null,
"remoteAccessDisabled" : false
List users with access to the device
You can use the Tedee App or the Tedee API to see all shares for the specific Tedee Lock.
Using the Tedee API, if you want to get shares for the Tedee Lock, you need the deviceId
and use Get all shares.
This endpoint will return all shares for the device.
From the mobile app as the Tedee Lock owner/admin, you can see users who have access to the device and those who have pending invitations. The pending invitation means that the invited user has no account created in the Tedee App, and the access will be granted automatically after the registering.
Sample request
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <<access token>>"
Removing user access
If user access was limited in time then it will expire automatically after the specified endDate
Let’s consider a different situation. Unfortunately, you need to fire one of your employees. In that case, you must call the Delete share endpoint to remove his access to the Lock.
To find the share, you need the employee email the share was created. Use Get device shares with Filters.Email
parameter to fetch employee share for the specific Tedee Lock.
Sample request
curl -X DELETE "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json-patch+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <<access token>>"
You do not need to remove shares, where defined is the endDate
. When it is specified, the access is active only till this date.